Primate Taxonomy

Primate Taxonomy

Not all sources agree on the finer points of primate evolution. Campbell (1999) states on page 656:

The two suborders of the Primates are Prosimii and Anthropoidea . The prosimians ("premonkeys") probably resemble early arboreal primates.The lemurs of Madagascar and the lorises, pottos, and tarsiers that live in tropical Africa and southern Asia are examples of prosimians. The anthropoids include monkeys, apes and humans.

Haviland (2000) states on page 105:

The modern primates are mostly restricted to warm areas of the world. As already noted, they are divided into two suborders, Strepsirhini, and Haplorhini. Strepshirines are small, mostly quadrupedal, Old World animals; haplorhines includes tarsiers, monkeys, apes, and humans.

Apparently their is disagreement on what to call the orders and where to put the tarsiers, one of the oldest groups. None of which changes the major lines of human evolution.